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Pokémon Pokéball Unisex Hoodie - White jetzt für nur 20,99€ statt 36,49€. Gebt hierfür einfach den Code "POKEBALL" ein. Der Versand ist kostenlos. 


No trainer would ever dream of leaving out on their adventures without being fully stocked with the latest Pokéball tech! From the Safari Ball used within the exclusive Safari Zone, right up to the ultimate in catching tech, the Master Ball that never fails to catch, every trainer must be able to choose the perfect choice for their Pokémon encounters!

Complete your summer wardrobe with Zavvi's officially licensed Pokémon range, celebrating over 25 years of catching, training and battling our favourite Pokémon's

Hoodies are made from pre-shrunk 70% Cotton, 30% Polyester mix. If you prefer a baggy fit, please order a size up.

Annicr | Deal eingestellt am 12.04.2022 13:59:50


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