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Paladone Stitch Licht, Lilo und Stitch Sammlerlampe, Multicolor

Paladone Stitch Licht, Lilo und Stitch Sammlerlampe, Multicolor

17,49 € 
28,99 €
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-40% -40%


Lilo and Stitch Room Decor: This cute character lamp features a mischievous Stitch, as he cradles a glowing bulb and gazes into the warm light. This adorable lamp is perfect for fans of the movie, children's bedrooms, or nursery
Stitch Collectible: You can place it anywhere in your kid's bedroom or your home. Disney fans of all ages will adore this lamp on a shelf, bedside table, as a reading light, or as a cute decoration. Requires 2 x AA batteries, not included
Lilo and Stitch Merchandise: Set in Hawaii, the film features a small alien being who is mistaken for a dog and adopted by a strange little girl with a rambunctious side. Her older sister Nani struggles to keep them both safe and out of mischief
Fun gifts for fun people: For those looking for cool stuff and all things geek, crazy, and unique, we are proud to create top-selling toys, mugs, lights, decor, and presents that make people smile
Officially licensed merchandise: Discover a new piece of merch for your collection with our array of collectibles for men, women, fans, kids, boys, and girls who love pop culture fun

Hellodeals | Deal eingestellt am 26.04.2024 14:37:10


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