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NUR FÜR KURZE ZEIT! Black Mesa / Half-Life Remake (Steam)

NUR FÜR KURZE ZEIT! Black Mesa / Half-Life Remake (Steam)

7,49 € 
8,50 €


Angebot bei Steam. Ihr bekommt Black Mesa schon für 7,49€.

PVG liegt bei 8,50€.


  • A completely reimagined and refined single player campaign, including all new and expanded Xen levels
  • 19 chapters of fighting through top-secret labs, running atop harsh desert landscapes, sneaking into abandoned railways, and leaping across dimensions
  • Mind-Blowing graphics and effects, never before seen on the Source Engine
  • Face off against an army of classic enemies, updated with new features and engaging AI
  • Wield an arsenal of military hardware, scientific prototypes, and the iconic crowbar through incredibly detailed environments
  • The all-new soundtrack and voice acting create a more immersive experience than ever before
  • 50 Fun and challenging achievements

STAM | Deal eingestellt am 23.03.2022 14:06:58


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