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MSI Radeon RX 6750 XT GAMING X TRIO 12G Grafikkarte - AMD RX 6750 XT, GPU 2554/2623 MHz, 12000MB DDR6 Speicher, Memory Speed 18000 MHz, Memory Bus 192bit

MSI Radeon RX 6750 XT GAMING X TRIO 12G Grafikkarte - AMD RX 6750 XT, GPU 2554/2623 MHz, 12000MB DDR6 Speicher, Memory Speed 18000 MHz, Memory Bus 192bit

394,60 € 
529,00 €
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-25% -25%


TORX FAN 4.0 TORX FAN 4.0 is built on teamwork, with pairs of fan blades bound together with a linked outer ring design that focuses airflow into the updated TRI FROZR 2 cooling system.
CORE PIPE Core Pipes are precision-machined for maximum contact over the GPU and spread the heat along the full length of the heatsink for optimal cooling.
FIN+AIRFLOW CONTROL Stay stealthy with Airflow Control that improves airflow dynamics. Deflectors provide additional surface area and guide air to where it’s needed for maximum cooling. Wave-curved 2.0 fin edges disrupt unwanted airflow harmonics resulting in reduced noise.
Herkunftsland: CN

Hellodeals | Deal eingestellt am 22.04.2024 09:35:10


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