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Leisure Suit Larry has done it longer, deeper, and stronger. He’s been “around the block”, so to speak. It’s quite an accomplishment for a man wearing a suit that’s been out of style long before it was manufactured. He’s seen it all, from sleazy nightclubs and seedy bars with alleys that should be avoided at all times. He’s even gone native for a bit and grabbed a piece of the island life. His life has been full of tight spots and pulsating pectorals. His lizard’s always lounging and looking for love in several wrong places, the more the merrier! Always willing and able to perform some undercover work, our man Larry is a swingin’ single guy out for some action! His lines are as groovy as a record and his strut is something to be seen! And his dreams NEVER dry...neither once nor twice.

Sven | Deal eingestellt am 08.07.2022 15:25:49


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