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LEGO Star Wars: Imperial Light Cruiser Baby Yoda Set (75315) jetzt im Angebot für 129,99€. Spart euch die Versandkosten mit dem Code "CRUISER". 

Der PVG liegt laut idealo bei 153,94€. (inkl. Versand)

Open up a galaxy of Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 adventures for fans with this LEGO brick-built model of the Imperial Light Cruiser (75315) with The Child 'Baby Yoda' LEGO figure. It features a bridge that doubles as a handle for flying, 2 rotating turrets with spring-loaded shooters, plus 2 mini TIE Fighters and a launcher. A hatch gives easy access to the cabin which has a hologram table and storage for the electrobinoculars and other accessory elements.

This premium-quality set comes with 5 LEGO minifigures: The Mandalorian, Cara Dune, Fennec Shand, Moff Gideon and a Dark Trooper, plus a LEGO figure of Grogu (the Child ). Cool weapons include The Mandalorian’s Amban phase-pulse blaster and spear and Moff Gideon’s darksaber for hero vs. villain play.

A top gift idea for boys and girls age 10+ and any fan, the set comes with step-by-step building instructions. Explore the entire LEGO Star Wars range to find other construction sets that will delight all ages.

The Imperial Light Cruiser measures over 5 in. (13 cm) high, 22.5 in. (58 cm) long and 8.5 in. (22 cm) wide.

Contains 1336 pieces.

Annicr | Deal eingestellt am 12.04.2022 15:20:58


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