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ERYONE 3D Drucker Matte Filament PLA 1 kg 1 Spool, 1.75mm +/-0.03mm, Matte Rosa Matte PLA-Rosa

ERYONE 3D Drucker Matte Filament PLA 1 kg 1 Spool, 1.75mm +/-0.03mm, Matte Rosa Matte PLA-Rosa

22,09 € 
25,99 €
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-15% -15%


Matte effect: Matte filaments can output prints with lackluster colour and frosted texture. The surface is incredibly matte, which helps hide the individual layers of your print.
Very accurate matte PLA: the diameter of the filament is 1.75 mm, with a tolerance of +/-0.03 mm, it flows smoothly and consistently without clogging the nozzle or extruder
Tangle-free matte filament: perfectly wrapped matte mixed PLA. It is 100% tangle-free when unopened. No stringing and warping. Universally compatible with a wide range of FDM 3D printers on the market. Universal compatibility with various FDM 3D printers in the market
Strong layer adhesion: Provide excellent print quality without odour and low deformation during printing. The density of the 1.75 mm matte PLA filament is about 1.24 g/cm3, no bubbles, strong layer adhesion.
N.W: 1kg, G.W: 1.35kg, spool inner diameter 57mm, spool outer diameter 200mm, height 64mm.

Hellodeals | Deal eingestellt am 26.04.2024 08:10:13


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