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For decades we’ve crossed the globe in search of the hottest sneakers and athletically-inspired apparel. And now we're celebrating our 45th birthday! For 45 years, we have been taking care of your needs day-in and day-out at Foot Locker - whether in the store or online. So now, we think it's time to party, and we're doing it with the Top five sneakers of all time! And who could better define these cult sneakers than influential sneakerheads from all over Europe?! Are you curious who made it into the Top 5? We'll tell you: The Converse Chuck. We have already seen them in all sorts of colors and special editions - but this version is a unique one, just designed for you and only available at Foot Locker! Since it’s our 45th anniversary we equipped this iconic silhouette with the black and white Stripe design by Foot Locker and highlighted the lacing in dazzling red. A tribute to our staff in the stores that day-in and day-out care about you, your demands and your shoes! Join us in celebrating our anniversary with the Special Edition of the Converse All Star Hi!

leckeresel | Deal eingestellt am 03.02.2021 16:21:46


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