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Beast Kingdom Marvel Comics D-Stage PVC Diorama X-Men Wolverine 15 cm jetzt für 11,19€. Gebt hierfür den Code "MERCH30" ein. Der Versand ist kostenlos. 

Der PVG liegt laut Kaufland bei 40,70€. (inkl. Versand)


Originating from the famous, classic Marvel Comics; X-Men, enter the wonder of the ongoing fight against evil! With years of irreplaceable adventures, collectors are able to now revisit and forever keep pivotal moments in the cherished comic-book franchise.

Beast Kingdom is therefore proud to present its latest "Diorama Stage" series: "DS-021 Marvel Comics Wolverine" X-Men's fierce warrior.

With a design based on the classic comic setting, the ""DS-021 Marvel Comics Wolverine"" incorporates a sophisticated modelling techniques, a detailed diorama design, and delicate yet highly immersive paint work.

Travel to a world of struggle and heroism with our infamous 'Weapon X'; Wolverine fighting one of the world-ending, mutant hunting 'Sentinel' machines.

So, for all Marvel fans, grab an authentic stereoscopic diorama, and add this amazing snapshot to your X-Men collection.

The PVC diorama measures approx. 15 x 10 x 8 cm and comes in a printed box.

Annicr | Deal eingestellt am 26.03.2022 10:51:28


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