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In the 1980s, the Masters of the Universe toy lines shook the world of children's entertainment to its foundations. Now, YouTube influencer "Pixel Dan" Eardley and He-Man historian Val Staples have worked with fans worldwide to cultivate this incredible volume that contains in-depth overviews of every item in several complete toy lines, including: 1982's Masters of the Universe, 1985's Princess of Power, 1989's He-Man, 2002's Masters of the Universe relaunch, and 2008's Masters of the Universe Classics! In addition to expertly-researched documentation of the toys' development and unique variants, each entry also includes photographic reference of the heroic figures and playsets from decades of development. This phenomenal tome also features never-before-seen interviews and designer commentary from the toys' creators, offering keen insights into the genesis of a product that inspired millions of young imaginations. With over 700 pages of lovingly assembled content, this compendium is the perfect addition to any Masters of the Universe fan's collection. By the power of Grayskull, you have the power!

Sven | Deal eingestellt am 14.11.2021 15:53:21


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